Well, it's obviously been over a year since I have blogged and belive me, there has been a lot I should have blogged about. Actually, to be completely honest, there was a lot that went on that I think would have been a complete waste of my time to sit here and type out. Those of you who are close to me, know EXACTLY what I am talking about.
Starting in August, a lot went on at the end of my third trimester and it was rough let me tell you! I am so thankful for a happy, healthy, beautiful little boy. It is one of the hardest, but most rewarding things to be a mom. Ya know I thought I understood what all my friends were going through to an extent because of how much I used to babysit and "nanny" different families children, but until you have your own, you have NO idea! I have come to have a great respect for those moms.
Kane Manning was born almost 5 weeks early and has blessed us with all kinds of different little surprises in the last year. He is now going on 14 months old and time has flown by. I always swore I would NEVER be that mom that said, "oh, time flies when you have kids." well, guess what, I am that mom! Crazy how that happens. I also said my child would never tell me no. HA, yeh right. He already tells me "no, mama!" and he is only 1!
We had a big 1 year birthday party for him and it was so much fun. Although he was teething. (just my luck) But, while stressing and reporting that i was stressed on twitter, I got the feedback I needed to hear that I wasnt the only one with a sick baby on their first birthday party day. So thankful for the moms that I have around me for encouragement and example.
Rewinding a little bit, back to last fall.
My brother was almost finished with college and starting to interview for jobs and then the rug was pulled out from under him and everything changed within the blink of an eye. We were all so shocked at what happened but now we could not be more grateful for what he went through (relationship wise) and where he is today!
He has THE BEST GIRLFRIEND he could ask for. She actually fits in with our family perfectly (nothing could have been worse than before though) and I am so excited to have a real true friend in her. To be completely honest, I have NO IDEA what I would do without her. (love you Em!)Oh and to add, my parents are crazy about her too, actually the whole family is. God always knew what he was doing through all of this. He is always FAITHFUL! She's been around Dawayne and I for a few years and is actually our sitter for Kane a few days a week. I used to always joke about how I wanted her to date my brother but never thought that would happen. Until one day, it did! So, long story short "G" (thats what Kane calls him), Grant, graduated from college, has an amazing job up here in NWA and a super cute house and is definitely the happiest I have seen him in a VERY long time and I think he was surprised to see how happy he could be and what a relationship was really about. Dawayne and I couldn't be more excited for them and what is in their future.
Now, back to present day. I can not believe it's fall again. I have a few decorations up but not all of them. But I plan on adding to my decor' next week when we all go to War Eagle. I always thought it was going to be some sort of "wooden duck, best grandma ever" type craft show. But, let me tell you I have gotten some of the cutest stuff there the last few years. So excited for this time of year. I love fall and football weather.
Well, all of this was pretty random but once again my computer is about to die and I have tried to post on this dumb thing the last few weeks and I never finish. So, i better finish up. I have alot more to say, but no time. The little man is awake from his nap so duty calls.
Until next time...
The Hudson Household
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Pregnant & IT'S A BOY!
SO, in June of last year, we decided to being the process of trying to have a baby. I got off birth control, thinking it would probably take atleast a year or so due to me being like clock work all the time and month after month it was so hard and disappointing when it didnt' happen. Finally, I learned to give up and let God work his miracles and Oh did He! We got pregnant in the beginning of January sometime and were shocked! So exciting and I am such a planner that all of the sudden when the test said "PREGNANT", I stood there and looked at Dawayne and said, "I dont want to do this now, I can't!." Well, I can apparently.
The first 4 1/2 months were terrible. Hated being pregnant, never wanted to do this again and was already making "plans" on this being the only child. HA! I'm sure you some of you know how that goes. I was so extremely sick every single morning and to get through the day, I had to take that nausea pill called Zofran. It was my life saver for sure. Couldn't do without it for any length of time until the last 3 weeks. Thank you Lord for making me not so sick anymore. But to be honest, I would do it all over again and even if it was worse I would do it 3 times more. (not really, we only want 2 kids! ha)
I still haven't hardly gained any weight due to me being so sick in the beginning and for so long into this it has actually helped me feel better about all this weight coming on in my stomach. It's slowly starting to protrude...But, I am definetly ready to see a change...The bigger the baby gets the bigger I'll continue to get.
So, Monday, May 10, we went to find out the sex of the baby. I was so sure it was a girl since the very beginning of my pregnancy. I mean the minute I took the test, I just knew it was a girl. I think the reason I thought that was because ever since we got married, I always said I want a boy first because I am not a "prissy, foo-foo" type girl, well I mean I am but not to the extreme like some people. So, I thought it would be an easier process for us to have a boy first..Well the minute the ultra-sound tech put the thing on my stomach HE immediately showed that HE was a BOY! I think he was so tired of us saying he's a girl in there. HA
Dawayne was thrilled immediately, and I was so excited and couldn't stop wondering what we were going to name him. (control freak and planner, I know I know!)
So here we are, the middle of May, we are having a boy and joining 2 more coaches families that are going to be welcoming their 3rd boys here in the next 2-3 months...I'm due Ocotober 1, but I say September 30, because it makes me feel so much better and makes me think it's so much sooner also.
So The BIG NEWS IS OUT.... (If you have any name suggestions, let me know... I love short, one syllable names..Lots of things go with Hudson too) All for now...
The first 4 1/2 months were terrible. Hated being pregnant, never wanted to do this again and was already making "plans" on this being the only child. HA! I'm sure you some of you know how that goes. I was so extremely sick every single morning and to get through the day, I had to take that nausea pill called Zofran. It was my life saver for sure. Couldn't do without it for any length of time until the last 3 weeks. Thank you Lord for making me not so sick anymore. But to be honest, I would do it all over again and even if it was worse I would do it 3 times more. (not really, we only want 2 kids! ha)
I still haven't hardly gained any weight due to me being so sick in the beginning and for so long into this it has actually helped me feel better about all this weight coming on in my stomach. It's slowly starting to protrude...But, I am definetly ready to see a change...The bigger the baby gets the bigger I'll continue to get.
So, Monday, May 10, we went to find out the sex of the baby. I was so sure it was a girl since the very beginning of my pregnancy. I mean the minute I took the test, I just knew it was a girl. I think the reason I thought that was because ever since we got married, I always said I want a boy first because I am not a "prissy, foo-foo" type girl, well I mean I am but not to the extreme like some people. So, I thought it would be an easier process for us to have a boy first..Well the minute the ultra-sound tech put the thing on my stomach HE immediately showed that HE was a BOY! I think he was so tired of us saying he's a girl in there. HA
Dawayne was thrilled immediately, and I was so excited and couldn't stop wondering what we were going to name him. (control freak and planner, I know I know!)
So here we are, the middle of May, we are having a boy and joining 2 more coaches families that are going to be welcoming their 3rd boys here in the next 2-3 months...I'm due Ocotober 1, but I say September 30, because it makes me feel so much better and makes me think it's so much sooner also.
So The BIG NEWS IS OUT.... (If you have any name suggestions, let me know... I love short, one syllable names..Lots of things go with Hudson too) All for now...
Too Long!
Well, where do I even begin? I thought I'd love to blog and I really tried for a little bit to be good and atleast post every once in a while. And as we all see, that didn't go over too well. There's so much that has gone on since February 2009, which is the last time I blogged. I always felt like it wasn't anything important due to not having kids yet. But I guess things change all in the right timing. God is good!
I'll start with last spring, after being in Springdale around a year and half we decided we might try to buy a house. As it turned out, we were able to find a house that was just in the beginning stages of being framed and we bought it from there and finished it out. YOu know how you always hear that old saying, "If you can stay married after building/finishing out a house, you'll make it through anything," well we did. It was tons of fun. I would do it all over again and I think Dawayne would too. So, we moved in the 1st of June and have loved decorating and furnishing it since.
Then we started football season again (story of my life, but would never change it for anything) and had a pretty great season again. I love to watch my husband work. He is so amazing and smart when it comes to all that. I never thought he'd be able to be as "prepared, organized or obsessive compulsive" at anything like I am but, surprise surprise he is when it comes to football. Those kids love him and look up to him and it's precious. So proud to say he's my husband. So in December we went to Little Rock again for the State Championship game and won 4A State Championship for the 2nd year in a row. How fun that was!! All kinds of other EXCITING things have gone on since then but they need their own post for sure!!
all for now....
I'll start with last spring, after being in Springdale around a year and half we decided we might try to buy a house. As it turned out, we were able to find a house that was just in the beginning stages of being framed and we bought it from there and finished it out. YOu know how you always hear that old saying, "If you can stay married after building/finishing out a house, you'll make it through anything," well we did. It was tons of fun. I would do it all over again and I think Dawayne would too. So, we moved in the 1st of June and have loved decorating and furnishing it since.
Then we started football season again (story of my life, but would never change it for anything) and had a pretty great season again. I love to watch my husband work. He is so amazing and smart when it comes to all that. I never thought he'd be able to be as "prepared, organized or obsessive compulsive" at anything like I am but, surprise surprise he is when it comes to football. Those kids love him and look up to him and it's precious. So proud to say he's my husband. So in December we went to Little Rock again for the State Championship game and won 4A State Championship for the 2nd year in a row. How fun that was!! All kinds of other EXCITING things have gone on since then but they need their own post for sure!!
all for now....
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Super Bowl & new friends!
So, I thought I would blog about the ice storm, but everyone else has and of course, once again I didnt have my camera. We were without power for about almost 2 days. We ended up hanging out with friends to help the time pass and that was fun. Especially when they have kids, you always have entertainment.
Now on to the point of this blog.
Tonight we went over to the Floyd's and the Barnard's (with the new baby) and the Linam's came over and we ate and hung out. Ashley and Chad are friends with Josh and Kate but, they all went to SHiloh together years ago and D knew them too! (except Chad) Anyway, it was so nice to hang out and "watch" the game with everyone. Actually all the girls sat in the kitchen and chatted ALL NIGHT long about everything you can imagine. The guys, of course, just sat in the living room and were zoned in on the game. I love to meet new people and my friend Kate just knew Ashley and I would totally hit it off and we definetly did. We have a lot in common and she is mid-way through her pregnancy and is so fun and still full of energy. I am excited to get to know them more and more! SHe has actually been doing some crafting at home while she's not working and kind of in "secret" I have too. So, I think we may all get together and "craft" one night soon! The game was I guess good. I was for sure rooting for the Arizona Cardinals, but they fell behind in the very end. Oh, well. Two new teams in the Super Bowl was better than how it usually is. Had a good night and enjoyed the "girl time." Hope everyone had a good weekend and got their electricity back on. Tomorrow is another week of work and full of basketball games for D at Shiloh. Because of all the weather there are a ton of make-up games this week. Oh well. I dont think I will "feel to well" for all of them, ha! Until next time... (Kate and Ashley, seriously lets plan to get together soon and "craft", I have lots of ideas brewing)
Now on to the point of this blog.
Tonight we went over to the Floyd's and the Barnard's (with the new baby) and the Linam's came over and we ate and hung out. Ashley and Chad are friends with Josh and Kate but, they all went to SHiloh together years ago and D knew them too! (except Chad) Anyway, it was so nice to hang out and "watch" the game with everyone. Actually all the girls sat in the kitchen and chatted ALL NIGHT long about everything you can imagine. The guys, of course, just sat in the living room and were zoned in on the game. I love to meet new people and my friend Kate just knew Ashley and I would totally hit it off and we definetly did. We have a lot in common and she is mid-way through her pregnancy and is so fun and still full of energy. I am excited to get to know them more and more! SHe has actually been doing some crafting at home while she's not working and kind of in "secret" I have too. So, I think we may all get together and "craft" one night soon! The game was I guess good. I was for sure rooting for the Arizona Cardinals, but they fell behind in the very end. Oh, well. Two new teams in the Super Bowl was better than how it usually is. Had a good night and enjoyed the "girl time." Hope everyone had a good weekend and got their electricity back on. Tomorrow is another week of work and full of basketball games for D at Shiloh. Because of all the weather there are a ton of make-up games this week. Oh well. I dont think I will "feel to well" for all of them, ha! Until next time... (Kate and Ashley, seriously lets plan to get together soon and "craft", I have lots of ideas brewing)
Monday, January 26, 2009
Birthday Dinner, Weekend and No School for D!
Well, Thursday night we went to Fort Smith for dinner with my family at the country club for Grant's 21st birthday! (my brother) It was fun. My parents, Grant and his girlfriend Sara met us there. Then after a long dinner and catching up we went back to my parents house for cake (which was sooo yummy) and presents. It's hard to believe that Grant is 21. Well, it only makes sence, the older I get, the older he gets. Sad how quick time goes by.
Friday was a busy day at work and then basketball games at Shiloh that night. The varsity girls team is very good, but the guys are having a little trouble getting it together each game. They did play REALLY well even though, we lost by 1 point at the very end of the fourth quarter. Too many fouls, isnt that always the case though?
Saturday I worked the morning in Fayetteville and then that the afternoon I had to go back down to Fort Smith for a few cuts and about 4 girls that have been my clients forever. They are all in high school and it was the "homecoming dance." It was fun to watch how big of a deal it all was to them. Not too long ago, I was doing the same thing. Once again, time flies by. That evening when I got home D and I went and had a nice dinner date at Blu-fin (sushi) and then did a little shopping.
Sunday we went to church, taught our class of 2 year olds, which can I just say is always fun. THen had lunch with his family at Applebee's and the food was horrible!! Yes, I usually exaggerate on things being "sooo bad", but ya'll it was disgusting. Then I had to go to Wal-mart and D decided he'd join me, eventhough I complained and told him he didnt really have a choice. He's a pretty good trooper when it comes to all that, but he just doesn't organize it in the cart or put it on the checkout deal, like I would like him to. I know, I am anal! And for dinner, we ate at the Barnard's, the ones that just had baby TAte. Mckale has a few stores in Fort Smith and loves this restaurant there and they have food that they make that is gourmet and she LOVES their enchiadas. So, Thursday when I was in Fort Smith, I picked up some and she said they didnt want dinner brought to them unless we were going to stay and join them. That wasnt my plan, but it was nice to completely relax and love on yet, another baby. All my friends and cousins are having boys this year. Except one of my cousin's who had a girl the beginning of this month. We still have 3 friends that are due in March. Lots and lots of babies! So, all in all we had a busy but great weekend. Now we are all hunkered(not sure if that is even a word) down at home and hanging out. I didnt work in Fort SMith today because of weather, but I will on Thursday. I just didnt wanna be stuck down there without D. Especially when he is out of school tomorrow! Yippee, finally a "nothingness" day! Hope everyone had a great weekend and stay warm in all this yucky ice.
P.S. Sorry for no pictures, I am not at all as organized on here as I am at WAl-Mart, ha!
Until next time...
Friday was a busy day at work and then basketball games at Shiloh that night. The varsity girls team is very good, but the guys are having a little trouble getting it together each game. They did play REALLY well even though, we lost by 1 point at the very end of the fourth quarter. Too many fouls, isnt that always the case though?
Saturday I worked the morning in Fayetteville and then that the afternoon I had to go back down to Fort Smith for a few cuts and about 4 girls that have been my clients forever. They are all in high school and it was the "homecoming dance." It was fun to watch how big of a deal it all was to them. Not too long ago, I was doing the same thing. Once again, time flies by. That evening when I got home D and I went and had a nice dinner date at Blu-fin (sushi) and then did a little shopping.
Sunday we went to church, taught our class of 2 year olds, which can I just say is always fun. THen had lunch with his family at Applebee's and the food was horrible!! Yes, I usually exaggerate on things being "sooo bad", but ya'll it was disgusting. Then I had to go to Wal-mart and D decided he'd join me, eventhough I complained and told him he didnt really have a choice. He's a pretty good trooper when it comes to all that, but he just doesn't organize it in the cart or put it on the checkout deal, like I would like him to. I know, I am anal! And for dinner, we ate at the Barnard's, the ones that just had baby TAte. Mckale has a few stores in Fort Smith and loves this restaurant there and they have food that they make that is gourmet and she LOVES their enchiadas. So, Thursday when I was in Fort Smith, I picked up some and she said they didnt want dinner brought to them unless we were going to stay and join them. That wasnt my plan, but it was nice to completely relax and love on yet, another baby. All my friends and cousins are having boys this year. Except one of my cousin's who had a girl the beginning of this month. We still have 3 friends that are due in March. Lots and lots of babies! So, all in all we had a busy but great weekend. Now we are all hunkered(not sure if that is even a word) down at home and hanging out. I didnt work in Fort SMith today because of weather, but I will on Thursday. I just didnt wanna be stuck down there without D. Especially when he is out of school tomorrow! Yippee, finally a "nothingness" day! Hope everyone had a great weekend and stay warm in all this yucky ice.
P.S. Sorry for no pictures, I am not at all as organized on here as I am at WAl-Mart, ha!
Until next time...
Thursday, January 22, 2009
The "No Name Baby" is here!
So, I know that seems terrible of me to say, but our friends Tucker & Mckale finally had baby Tate Daniel yesterday morning bright and early. HE is so sweet and he weighed 7lbs 7oz. I didnt take a camera because I am not a "mom" with a camera ready to take pics all the time. I am sure I will be though. The main reason I said the "no name baby" is because basically up until the day he was born, there were a few options for names. Good choice guys! It really seemed to fit him last night when we were there. I wanted to post about the baby because we are so EXCITED for our new friends and this fabulous God given baby of joy. Congrats Barnard's and big brother Carter! (If you want to see a cute picture of Tate, read Kate's blog)
Definetly have the baby fever now...I kinda think D does too! WOOHOO! (much sooner than later I'm thinking, thanks to Tate)!
Definetly have the baby fever now...I kinda think D does too! WOOHOO! (much sooner than later I'm thinking, thanks to Tate)!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Happy 25th to me !
So, how about I can't believe I am 25. I am officially in my "mid-twenties." REally? are you kidding me right now? Wow, I know some of you will be like? OH, Courtney get over yourself. But, time totally flies by. (I know, completely cliche')
December was very busy. My birthday was the 12th and I was surprised with a new 2009 Honda Accord, black and everything I wanted for my bday from my WONDERFUL, AMAZING husband! He knew it was kind of needed, but definetly not a necessity. Well, here are some pics. They had it all wrapped up in a bow for me at the car place the day I went to pick it up. He definetly tried hard to surprise me, but ya know I had to trade in my other car and sign my name too so, it wasnt a complete surprise...ya know like drive up in the drive way and freak out kind of surprise.
Well, apparently I dont have those on my pc yet, so I will add the car pics later.
The weekend of my bday, was the STATE CHAMPIONSHIP game for Shiloh! They did so well. I am so proud to say that my husband is the Defensive Line coach there. It was an exciting week. Had lots of fun with the wives. We all went to lunch on that friday for my birthday and then a few of us went shopping for a bit. Well, those of us that aren't pregnant. It was alot of fun. I love everyones kids, but dont get me wrong I love some 'ADULT' time with the wives and definetly love the new friendships!

The game was exciting on that saturday. My family came up and after the game we went to eat with everyone at Cozy Mel's. It was good, who doesn't love some mexican?!
Here are a few pics from before&during the game. I will post some cute ones that a friend took of D and I after the game, whenever she gets it together! (ha, luv ya Blaire)

So, after the weekend of the championship game, we were asked by our friends and D's "boss" to go with them on that monday to Little Rock, again, for a banquet that would be honoring Josh (head coach) and one of D's defensive line man. Well, what an adventure it was! That day it was yuck up here so I didnt work in Fort Smith at all but, we took my car and left it in Alma so that when we came back I would be able to go to Fort Smith and do some hair, while they came back to NWA. So, Kate (Josh's wife) and I were so excited because we knew the weather was bad and we would be able to spend one night and eat breakfast and come home without kids. Well, thats not exciting for us but for them it was and it was nice to just hang out with them. So, it took 5 hours to get to Little Rock. The roads were horrible. We might have gone 45 the whole way there and that may be pushing it with the speed. We had to stop 2 times to get the ice off of the windshield wipers so D could see to even drive. Kinda scarey, but we definetly made a memory. To top off the horrible long drive, we missed the dinner part of the banquet and barely saw any awards given out. After we left the banquet that we were at for maybe 20minutes, we went to the hotel and we were all STARVING so we ate dinner, it wasnt that great. Next day attempted to drive home 2 different times and the first time it took 2 1/2 hours and we didnt even move and the second time we went 6 miles in an hour and a half. There were semis turned over and cars wrecked all over the place. It got to be kinda funny because we were so dilerious (however you spell that) from being in the car with eachother for so long. HA! Needless to say we didnt get home until Wednesday afternoon. Here are a few pics we took along the way. Definite memories!!

After all that, we had a great Christmas. I haven't uploaded those pics yet, but be proud because this was a BIG blog for me!
We had a very fun new year with my brother and his girlfriend Sara. We went to dinner with some of D's best highschool friends and their parents joined and then we all went back to the families house and played Wii all night. And when I say all night, I mean all night! I thought I was still "young enough" to stay up later than like midnight or 1. Pretty sure I was wrong. I could of slept for like 2 weeks after that night. I had no idea how fun Rock Band and all the games on the Wii could be.
January is here and IT'S FREEZING. I don't mind cold weather, but my skin is way too dry. Hope everyone enjoys the blog because it will probably be awhile until I post again. Well, obviously since I haven't since the beginning of December. Have a great weekend and rest of January! until next time...
December was very busy. My birthday was the 12th and I was surprised with a new 2009 Honda Accord, black and everything I wanted for my bday from my WONDERFUL, AMAZING husband! He knew it was kind of needed, but definetly not a necessity. Well, here are some pics. They had it all wrapped up in a bow for me at the car place the day I went to pick it up. He definetly tried hard to surprise me, but ya know I had to trade in my other car and sign my name too so, it wasnt a complete surprise...ya know like drive up in the drive way and freak out kind of surprise.
Well, apparently I dont have those on my pc yet, so I will add the car pics later.
The weekend of my bday, was the STATE CHAMPIONSHIP game for Shiloh! They did so well. I am so proud to say that my husband is the Defensive Line coach there. It was an exciting week. Had lots of fun with the wives. We all went to lunch on that friday for my birthday and then a few of us went shopping for a bit. Well, those of us that aren't pregnant. It was alot of fun. I love everyones kids, but dont get me wrong I love some 'ADULT' time with the wives and definetly love the new friendships!

The game was exciting on that saturday. My family came up and after the game we went to eat with everyone at Cozy Mel's. It was good, who doesn't love some mexican?!
Here are a few pics from before&during the game. I will post some cute ones that a friend took of D and I after the game, whenever she gets it together! (ha, luv ya Blaire)

So, after the weekend of the championship game, we were asked by our friends and D's "boss" to go with them on that monday to Little Rock, again, for a banquet that would be honoring Josh (head coach) and one of D's defensive line man. Well, what an adventure it was! That day it was yuck up here so I didnt work in Fort Smith at all but, we took my car and left it in Alma so that when we came back I would be able to go to Fort Smith and do some hair, while they came back to NWA. So, Kate (Josh's wife) and I were so excited because we knew the weather was bad and we would be able to spend one night and eat breakfast and come home without kids. Well, thats not exciting for us but for them it was and it was nice to just hang out with them. So, it took 5 hours to get to Little Rock. The roads were horrible. We might have gone 45 the whole way there and that may be pushing it with the speed. We had to stop 2 times to get the ice off of the windshield wipers so D could see to even drive. Kinda scarey, but we definetly made a memory. To top off the horrible long drive, we missed the dinner part of the banquet and barely saw any awards given out. After we left the banquet that we were at for maybe 20minutes, we went to the hotel and we were all STARVING so we ate dinner, it wasnt that great. Next day attempted to drive home 2 different times and the first time it took 2 1/2 hours and we didnt even move and the second time we went 6 miles in an hour and a half. There were semis turned over and cars wrecked all over the place. It got to be kinda funny because we were so dilerious (however you spell that) from being in the car with eachother for so long. HA! Needless to say we didnt get home until Wednesday afternoon. Here are a few pics we took along the way. Definite memories!!

After all that, we had a great Christmas. I haven't uploaded those pics yet, but be proud because this was a BIG blog for me!
We had a very fun new year with my brother and his girlfriend Sara. We went to dinner with some of D's best highschool friends and their parents joined and then we all went back to the families house and played Wii all night. And when I say all night, I mean all night! I thought I was still "young enough" to stay up later than like midnight or 1. Pretty sure I was wrong. I could of slept for like 2 weeks after that night. I had no idea how fun Rock Band and all the games on the Wii could be.
January is here and IT'S FREEZING. I don't mind cold weather, but my skin is way too dry. Hope everyone enjoys the blog because it will probably be awhile until I post again. Well, obviously since I haven't since the beginning of December. Have a great weekend and rest of January! until next time...
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